Question: How are notarized translations or certifications handled for documents from countries that use rare or uncommon languages?Answer:According to Vietnamese law, foreign documents must be legalized by consular authorities (except in cases exempted from consular legalization as prescribed), and notarized...
Answer:According to Article 154 of the 2019 Labor Code stipulates that foreign workers working in Vietnam are not subject to a work permit in the following cases:1. Owners and Capital Contributors: Foreigners who are owners or capital contributors of a limited liability...
ANSWER:Tourist Visa is issued to foreigners for the purpose of tourism in Vietnam. Vietnam tourist visa (DL) is one of the most popular types of Vietnam visa, which is known as an official document or stamp that authorizes an individual to...
Answer:In fact, E-VISA is a type of visa that can be used for different purposes, like tourism, business, or work in Vietnam. Whether or not you can extend an E-visa depends on the specific purpose for which you obtained it.By extending...
Answer: The validity of a work permit (WP) in Vietnam is closely linked to the labor contract terms between the employee and employer. When a labor contract is terminated, the WP term is automatically considered invalid. This means that the employee...
Answer: As usual, most foreigners who wish to work in Vietnam are required to obtain work permits. A work permit is known as an official document issued by the Vietnamese government that allows foreigners to work legally in the country. Work permit...